***This is a color-coded stat sheet for AnA:W sanctioned vehicles. Color denotes whether a field is locked or changeable. Colors are as follows:
    White denotes a field title. Leave them as they are.
    Light blue denotes a changeable field. Alter this as needed for your vehicle’s stats.
    Red denotes information that stays regardless of the vehicle. Do not remove or alter these.
***Information about the changeable fields can be found in the AnA:W rules posted on http://safehaven.iwarp.com/AnArules.html
***A downloadable version of this file can be found at http://safehaven.iwarp.com/AnAtemplate.rtf
Car:      (nickname) Model: (official model of car, as labeled by maker) Class:   (ultra light, light, medium, heavy, ultra heavy)
Max speed:           (x") Max acceleration: (x") Max deceleration: (x")